Monday, July 15, 2013

Japanese Most Healthiest People... WHY?

Recently I've had the urge to see which country is the healthiest in the world.  Not surprisingly, Japan was number one.  I wanted to know what it is that they were doing differently than the rest of the world.  These are a few things I decided they do differently than most nations.

1.  They eat smaller meals
2.  They eat approximately 30-40 different foods a day (try it it's not easy!)
3.  They walk or bike most everywhere.
4.  They do everything they can to have a low stress life.
5.  They are content with what they have.

I was astounded at the variety of foods they must eat if they can manage to eat 30-40 different foods a day.  At first I didn't think that was very much, but then I tried it for two days.  I ate smaller meals and made the variety of my meals greater (eating whole foods of course) and the greatest variety I could get in was 25!  So close!  But you know, I felt completely satisfied at the end of each meal, the Japanese may be on to something about variety in ones diet.  The more varied your foods are the more varied your nutrients will be.  You have to eat smaller portions, in order to reach your goal, but it is truly amazing how you feel.  I dare you to try it!  No I triple dog dare you!  Cravings may diminish as a result and work productivity may increase.

For some exercise try the 10 minute challenge.  Go for a walk after each meal for 10 minutes.  The more meals you eat the more walking you will do.  :)  See if those 10 minute strolls don't increase your energy levels.

Lemon Water

32 oz of Ice Water
Juice of 1 fresh squeezed lemon

Sip all day long.
*Lemon water has been known to cleanse you and help reduce cravings.

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