You'll love me forever for giving you this bit of info... did you know that a good nights rest (8-9 hours) can help you lose weight? The bad news is that sleeping alone won't get you to your goal weight, but you'll reach your goal weight sooner by getting the right amount of shut eye. You'll obviously have to exercise and eat right.
Sleeping for 8-9 hours at night helps set your hormones at the right level for fat burning and to help eliminate food cravings during the day. If you're doing weight training like I've suggested in my past blog posts then your fat burning potential at night goes up. More muscle burns more calories at rest.
To help you catch those zzzz's be sure to turn off your electronic devices at least an hour before bed time, break a sweat every day, keep your room cool, and do something calming before you sleep like read a book
(but not one that's too exciting, because then you'll want to stay up to see how it ends), or take a hot shower.
To help you build some muscle mass... today's challenge is to see how many push-ups (the man way) you can do in a minute. Feel free to rest when your form goes south, but then try to pick it up again and keep going until your minute is up.
Heidi's Orange Sorbet (serves 2-4)
2 Oranges peeled
2 C Ice
1 tsp Vanilla
1-2 T Sugar
Blend with a high powered blender until smooth.
*Warning - Can give you a nasty bad brain freeze.
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