Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tips and Tricks

So I've been around some family members who are trying to lose a few pounds... actually I read about a lot of friends on Facebook who are also losing or trying to lose a few pounds. This got me to pondering the whole issue of weight loss and I came across some great ideas to help the process. Along with following my five principles I have some extra tips and tricks that may help you on your journey.

Tip 1: Stick to one serving. So when you eat breakfast stick to one bowl of cereal, or one serving of pancakes, or one serving of eggs and toast, etc. I had a family member focus on this one trick for an entire year and he lost a lot of weight. Of course he was eating nutritiously and he exercised, but in any case, that one goal of sticking with one serving, helped him find his healthy goal weight. I'm trying this and in just a few days I've already noticed a significant difference in the way I look. I don't feel hungry or anything, but I do feel a great sense of self control which is awesome!

Tip 2: Bob Harper from the Biggest Loser thought up these ideas... eat with your opposite hand, that way you'll eat slower and realise that one serving (not having seconds) is enough food for you.

Tip 3: Eat on a salad plate. Eating on a smaller plate will keep your serving sizes in the right proportions.

Tip 4: Start with your fruits and veggies first then if you still feel hungry eat your complex carbs and protein source. At dinner time, try sticking with just fruits and veggies and a protein source because carbs will most likely not be needed in the evening... unless you workout after you eat dinner. :)

Tip 5: Drink a full glass of water 30 minutes before you plan on eating at every meal, this will help regulate your hungry/full sensors in your stomach and brain.

For some great exercise do 20 pushups, 20 sit-ups, and 20 jumping jacks... repeat five times through.

Today's recipe: 3 Bean Salad

2 cans Kidney Beans, drained, rinsed in cold water
1 can green beans, drained
1 can garbanzo beans, drained, rinsed in cold water
Chopped onion and celery if desired
Marinate in: 1 C salad oil (part olive) 1 tsp. Sweet basil
1 C Vinegar (part wine vinegar) 1 tsp. anise seed
1 tsp. Salt or to tast 1 tsp. oregano
1/4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce Pepper
Tabasco sauce - very little
Can also use this dressing on brocooli, brussels sprouts, or summer squash cooked until just barely tender. Use on celery, onions, sliced cucumbers, quartered tomatoes, mushrooms, etc.



  1. Good suggestions, Heidi. Especially I need to consentrate on #1. It's shocking sometimes to see that 1serving is so much less than I'd have thought, but certainly it's sufficient for my needs. I just updated my blog too. Feel free to stop by.

  2. Great tips, Heidi! I've never heard of eating with your opposite hand. That would definitely slow me down. I often just eat too fast and before I know it I'm stuffed and have eaten too much. It would be kind of fun to try too!

  3. I think portions is one of the BIGGEST problems with people becoming overweight! When we moved to Peru one of our goals was to eat healthier and get in better shape, and with that Glenn decided to stop going back for seconds. He has lost over 15 lbs since we've been here, and I can guarantee that alot of it has to do with his portion intake. Great tips Heidi! And your 3 bean salad sounds yummy!
