Friday, May 20, 2011

Supplements, too many to choose from

I have a friend who has asked me several times about what supplements I take. She has been patiently waiting for my long awaited reply. Sorry! Okay, so here is my unprofessional, but experienced and well read opinion. The best way to get all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs is through food. Remember principle number one, "Eat foods that are closest to its original form... AKA WHOLE FOODS" If you're doing this and truly trying to make every meal, every calorie, nutrient dense then generally speaking you may not need to take anything but a multivitamin designed for your gender. I recommend the book "Super Foods" by Steven Pratt M.D. for ideas on foods that carry all the nutrients your body needs.

But if we don't get all the fish in our diet like we're supposed to or any other nutrient we lack then go ahead and use supplements. I confess that I take supplements to help me feel my very best because sometimes even I don't get all the nutrients I need every day. A word of warning: you should consult with a physician before taking things that go beyond the norm... So... here is what I take; because I don't get enough fish in my diet I take 500 milligrams of EPA/DHA fish oil 2-3 times a day. I take a multivitamin designed for women and Glucosamin for joint health. If you are a woman who is going through or have gone through menopause you might consider taking a calcium supplement to keep your bones in optimal health.

Now where do I buy my supplements, I have found the least expensive place to buy them is online through And No, I'm not getting paid to say that, unfortunately! :) After buying them through the grocery stores and health food stores I have found that the best place to buy them is the above mentioned online store. They are safe and secure.

I take something extra when I feel a cold coming on called " Swansons Immune Essentials" without fail this homeopathic supplement kicks whatever I have in the you-know-what and I am feeling good before I feel bad! I also have some Vitamin C on hand and several homeopathic cold/flu and earache medicines on hand for my kids. Search the website and you will find some great deals and great products. If you have any further questions about a particular supplement feel free to send me a message and I'll get back to you.

Now for some good heart pounding exercise. Put on some upbeat music and run or jogg in place for 10 minutes or go for a walk with your kids around the block. Enjoy the beautiful world around you and smile!

Today's recipe: Yogurt!
1 Cup plain yogurt (I recommend Nancy's brand) add some of your favorite fruit to sweetin it up and enjoy!

I know that some of my recipes are more complicated than others. Enjoy the easy ones! :)

1 comment:

  1. For a while I was taking like a bazillion different supplements because I'd read certain ones could help with migraines (but only after about 3 months of use). I recently stopped taking all the "extras" and like you and just taking a multi and fish oil. I realized that my diet is improving and I really am getting most of my nutrients through food so I don't need to be throwing money down the drain. My husband, on the other hand, believes that taking ANY vitamin "is like peeing money down the drain." (His words of course!)
    I always love to hear your opinion. Thanks for your insight!
