Principle #4 - Be of Good Cheer!
- Those who are happy tend to lead healthier lives. So do things that make you happy, better yet do things that not only make you happy but make others happy too and you'll get a double dose of good cheer! :)
- Don't dwell on what you aren't. I know women usually have a hard time accepting a compliment. Really all we need to do is say "thank you", and yet for most of us, we tend to argue with the person giving the compliment... " oh you're just saying that." or "thanks, but I don't know about that."
- Make a list of things you like about yourself. Perhaps you're a good sister or brother, maybe a good neighbor or friend. There's always something good to find about yourself. Refer to your list often.
- Heavenly Father made us all different so the shape of our bodies will differ. No matter how hard I workout, my body will not look like a stick thin model (mainly because I don't want to look like that). No matter what your body looks like you are required to take care of it. It's the only body you will get.
Speaking of taking care of your body... how about some exercise?!?! Walk like a toy soldier standing in place. Lifting your right arm and left leg as though you are a toy soldier and then switch to the other side. Do this 50 times! And smile, because you look funny doing it! :)
Instead of posting a recipe I'll post my favorite snacks both for me and for my kids. Eat up to two different choices a day for you and possibly three for your kids.
A Sliced Apple with thin pieces of sliced cheese.
A small handful (about 24) raw almonds with your choice of 1/2 serving of dried fruit.
Purple Cow - fill a glass half full with 100% grape juice and fill the other half with milk.
Granola bars - I make my own because, most of the ones on the market are full of preservatives.
Slice of whole grain or whole wheat bread with honey, fruit jam, or peanut butter and bananas.
Ants on a log - Celery with peanut butter (I buy real peanut butter) and raisins.
Whole grain crackers with hummus (I make my own hummus).
Popcorn - Be careful what kind you're eating, some microwave kinds are loaded with preservatives and fat. I use an air popper and put very little butter and salt on it. Yes, I'm weird, but at least I'm healthy :)
Carrot sticks or broccoli served with some lite dressing and a small handful whole grain crackers. (I make my own dressing too).
An Orange
Plain Yogurt with live active cultures in it add some fresh or dried fruit for some yummy flavor.
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