Monday, May 13, 2013

Good News For Binge Eater's

Yes... there is good news for you binge eater's.  But let me start with the bad news.  If you eat at least one big meal a day (like when you feel stuffed) you're stretching out your stomach (poor thing!).  When your stomach is stretched out it is really hard for your brain to trigger the "WAIT I"M FULL STOP EATING!" button.

Here's the good news... if you eat every four hours your overstretched tummy (can you image the stretch marks on that thing... eek!) will go back to a normal size and therefore help you be satisfied with less food, more often.

Use a salad plate instead of those huge American sized dinner plates most of you use.  Only fill the plate once with a nice balance of one serving of whole grains, lean protein, and all you can eat non-starchy veggies.  I bet you liked that "all you can eat part" huh?  That's right, eat all the spinach, kale, leafy greens, broccoli, etc until your tummy STARTS to feel full... NOT until your STUFFED!  You should NEVER go to that point.

For a bit of exercise sit on your behind, grab a pair of hand weights, and "row row row your boat gently down the stream".  That's right... row baby row!  It's really good for you.  Put on your favorite tunes and go to town for as long as you can.

Instead of a recipe I thought I would post some non-starchy veggies to give you some ideas of what you should be filling up on.

Artichokes, Asparagus (who cares that your pee stinks), Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Celery, Cilantro, Garlic, green beans, Bell Peppers, mixed greens, Parsley (a great detox food), Tomatoes, Salsa, Spinach, Kale, Cauliflower, Romaine Lettuce, cucumbers, Mushrooms, Carrots.

Here's to eating less, but more often!

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