Thursday, June 16, 2011

Less, is more!

Recently I read from the scholarly magazine, "Science" that studies in animals are showing that if they are fed a near starvation diet they have better health and they lived much longer than a group who were fed a normal diet. Hard to believe? The study showed that their digestive systems along with several other systems in their bodies didn't have to work as hard to digest food and separate all the nutrients into their respected elements and therefore the animals that were fed a near starvation diet had no hypertention, heart disease, cancers, etc and . This same group of animals, had enough energy to do what the other mice who were fed a normal diet did as well. The animals that were fed a normal diet still had several cases of hypertension, heart disease, cancers, or other health problems and didn't live as long as the other group.

Currently a human study group is testing the theory that less is more. They are eating 25% less than the government recommended diet. I'm extremely curious to know how this will turn out.

Don't get me wrong, I like to eat, but I'd love to see my food bill decrease too. Maybe, we Americans, could do with a little less food anyway, and instead focus on our lifes mission. Just a thought.

For some exercise go for a 30 minute walk or bike ride with your family. Enjoy the warm weather while it's here.

For today's recipe: A TALL GLASS OF COOL WATER... sit back and enjoy this beautiful Earth!

As always I love to hear your thoughts on today's post or any previous posts!

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