Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Today I will expand on Principle number 1, which is, make sure that the majority of your calories every day come from food that is in its original form. In today's food industry they put lots of preservitaves and dyes in our food to make the food "look good" and keep for a longer amount of time on the super market shelf. Those dyes and preservitives are not good for you. Dyes may have effects on you or your kids that may include, harsh behavior or out of control tantrums, a hard time concentrating, and many other symptoms. To learn more about dyes in your food and the side effects google "dyes in your food and their effects". High fructose corn syrup tells your brain that you're not full so you keep eating. Enriched bleach flour is when they take whole wheat kernels that have everything good for you in it and take out the good for you parts and then add back some vitamins and minerals to try to take the place of the nutrients that have been lost. Hydrogenated fats or pretty much impossible for your body to digest and use and therefore they make themselves comfortable on your thighs, bottom, abdomen, arms, etc.

I have a little challenge for you. Go through your pantry, cupboards, and refrigerator and read the ingredients of all your foods and count how many products you have that have some or all of the ingredients I talked about in the previous paragraph and then send me a message with the number included. You may be shocked at how much stuff you buy that has dyes, high fructose corn syrup, etc. And then do your best to phase these things out of your regular diet. See if there is a product you can exchange it for that is wholesome. If you need any ideas then send me a message and I can help you.

Okay now for a little moving time! Stand up with your legs shoulder with apart, move your left leg out to the left and do a squat, bring it back to center, squat, and then move your right leg out to the side and squat (these are called side squats). Do 50 of them! And smile because you are awesome!

Today's recipe: Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup with Homemade noodles! mmm mmm good!

3 lbs chicken (breast, thighs, whatever you want)
3 quarts water
2 sprigs parsley or 1/4 C dried parsley
1/4 tsp thyme
1 bay leaf
1/2 - 1 tsp black pepper
4 T - Chicken bouillon or chicken soup mix
1 chopped onion
4-5 sliced carrots
1 C sliced celery
1/2 bag of frozen Peas
Cook the chicken in the water until done, remove chicken, then add all ingredients including vegetables, except the peas (this is called soup stock). Make noodles while veggies are cooking. Add noodles to boiling soup stock, cook for about 10 minutes, add chicken and frozen peas. Stir and serve! Enjoy!

Homemade Noodles
In a medium size bowl:
Combine 2 beaten eggs
1 tsp salt
4 T milk
Add 2 cups flour or enough to make a stiff dough. Roll as thin as you can on a floured surface. Take a pizza cutter or if you have a noodle maker, cut the noodles in thin strips and put them in the boiling soup stock cook for 10 minutes. This makes a lot of yummy noodles, if you don't like a lot of noodles in your soup 1/2 the recipe.

1 comment:

  1. I've never made my own make it look easy! I'll have to try it. It was so great to have the afternoon with you!
